Great game, but...
Unfair matchup for PVP, even though if youre able to beat the person , your reward is greater, but there are different classes and ranks.
Raven class VS Sky Ruler class... Really?
PvP should match people up with the same Class. If youre going to reward us for beating someone stronger , let it be in the same class with greater experiences (more wins).
Also , your "Monthly Ticket Plan" daily bonus for 30 days...
50k coins , 2 cores and 500 green shield ?
It cost 5 cores to purchase a unit and youre only giving us 2 cores ???
Lets not forget that we are "guaranteed" a legendary until within 20 purchase ... At least up the cores to 5 so that we can get a unit a day.
What a way to grind people of their money.
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Heavenstrike Rivals – A Monster Tactical TCG!